At Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP, we offer highly personalized services to private clients. With exceptional care and diligence on behalf of our clients, we pursue our work at the intersection of multiple practice areas. These include estate planning; trusts administration; advanced tax planning; guardianship and conservator services; wealth and gift strategies; and corporate matters.
Together, our attorneys deliver a range of services and solutions that come together to provide our clients with the most beneficial strategies for achieving their goals.
Transmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Cassidy R. Young”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Cassidy R. YoungTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Maxwell Teitleman”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Maxwell TeitlemanTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Colin Sullivan”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Colin SullivanTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Dale C. Kerester”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Dale C. KeresterTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Susan M. Harrington”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Susan M. HarringtonTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Jonathan S. Dunn”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Jonathan S. DunnTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Richard S. Blank”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Richard S. BlankTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Roland Gray, III”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Roland Gray, IIITransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Patrick J. Kinney Jr”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Patrick J. Kinney JrTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Christine B. Whitman”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Christine B. WhitmanTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Owen B. Lynch”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Owen B. LynchTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Alan R. Hoffman”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Alan R. HoffmanTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Thomas J. Clemens”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Thomas J. ClemensTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: John P. Dennis”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: John P. DennisTransmitting information to us by e-mail unilaterally does not establish an attorney-client relationship or impose an obligation on either the law firm or even the receiving lawyer to keep the transmitted information confidential. By clicking “Email: Peter W. Fink”, you acknowledge that we have no obligation to maintain the confidentiality of any information you submit to us unless we already represent you or unless we have agreed to receive limited confidential material/information from you as a prospective client. Thus, if you are not a client or someone we have agreed to consider as a prospective client, information you submit to us by e-mail may be disclosed to others or used against you.
If you would like to discuss becoming a client, please contact one of our attorneys to arrange for a meeting or telephone conference. If you wish to disclose confidential information to a lawyer in the firm before an attorney-client relationship is established, the protections that the law firm will provide to such information from a prospective client should be discussed before such information is submitted. Thank you for your interest in Lynch Fink Harrington & Gray LLP.
Email: Peter W. Fink